The next generation are your FUTURE LEADERS

Gen Z has overtaken the Boomers for the number of workers in the workforce. They have their own career goals and aspirations, and very different expectations of their organisations.

MentorKey can help you bridge the generational gap and ensure that this next generation has those unique expectations met.

The next generation are your FUTURE LEADERS

Gen Z has overtaken the Boomers for the number of workers in the workforce. They have their own career goals and aspirations, and very different expectations of their organisations.

MentorKey can help you bridge the generational gap and ensure that this next generation has those unique expectations met.

New graduates are looking for continual coaching, support, and feedback. They are growth-focused and expect their organisations to meet the pace with which they want to grow.

The right mentoring interactions can meet these expectations by providing:

Career Direction

Sometimes organisations struggle to provide the fast career growth opportunities their junior talent seek. But often, graduates are just looking for opportunities to extend themselves with different projects or lateral moves. Mentoring, when done well can support graduates to explore these opportunities and retain them in the organisation.

Confidence Building

Building a culture of psychological safety: Mentoring provides opportunities for graduates to voice their ideas or concerns in a safe environment. This, in turn, can help leaders understand how to shape their own leadership to seek out these different ideas from others and create a speak up culture.

Skill Development

Graduates have a lot to learn. Mentoring helps graduates quickly develop the essential skills that are not only critical to their personal performance, but inherently valuable to the organisation as well.

Reverse Mentoring

Leaders benefit immensely from their mentee’s views of the world. It helps challenge their strategies and prompt them with innovative ideas.

New graduates are looking for continual coaching, support, and feedback. They are growth-focused and expect their organisations to meet the pace with which they want to grow.

The right mentoring interactions can meet these expectations by providing:

Career Direction

Sometimes organisations struggle to provide the fast career growth opportunities their junior talent seek. But often, graduates are just looking for opportunities to extend themselves with different projects or lateral moves. Mentoring, when done well can support graduates to explore these opportunities and retain them in the organisation.

Skill Development

Graduates have a lot to learn. Mentoring helps graduates quickly develop the essential skills that are not only critical to their personal performance, but inherently valuable to the organisation as well.

Confidence Building

Building a culture of psychological safety: Mentoring provides opportunities for graduates to voice their ideas or concerns in a safe environment. This, in turn, can help leaders understand how to shape their own leadership to seek out these different ideas from others and create a speak up culture.

Reverse Mentoring

Leaders benefit immensely from their mentee’s views of the world. It helps challenge their strategies and prompt them with innovative ideas.

The mentoring programs powered by MentorKey can help address the gap that exists between junior talent expectations, and the current leaders’ capabilities.

The mentoring programs powered by MentorKey can help address the gap that exists between junior talent expectations, and the current leaders’ capabilities.

Personalised Matching:

First and foremost, MentorKey helps a graduate find a mentor uniquely suited to their needs and aspiration, who can provide those early “a-ha” moments that are so critical to defining a career pathway.

Personalised Matching:

First and foremost, MentorKey helps a graduate find a mentor uniquely suited to their needs and aspiration, who can provide those early “a-ha” moments that are so critical to defining a career pathway.

Professional Development Plans:

MentorKey can help the mentor and mentee formalise an actionable plan that puts structure into the graduate’s ongoing development.

Professional Development Plans:

MentorKey can help the mentor and mentee formalise an actionable plan that puts structure into the graduate’s ongoing development.

Developing Mentors’ Coaching Skills:

MentorKey provides conversation guides, frameworks and toolkits that are specific to each individual needs. With this guidance, mentors learn how to ask powerful questions, listen with empathy and drive career conversations effectively.

Developing Mentors’ Coaching Skills:

MentorKey provides conversation guides, frameworks and toolkits that are specific to each individual needs. With this guidance, mentors learn how to ask powerful questions, listen with empathy and drive career conversations effectively.

Progress Tracking:

The MentorKey platform helps the graduate and their mentor track progress towards meeting the goals of the engagement, ensuring that every interaction is a positive and fulfilling step, and if gaps emerge that there are opportunities to fill those.

Progress Tracking:

The MentorKey platform helps the graduate and their mentor track progress towards meeting the goals of the engagement, ensuring that every interaction is a positive and fulfilling step, and if gaps emerge that there are opportunities to fill those.


The right mentoring program can deepen the loyalty that graduates feel towards their organisations, and help you identify future leaders early on. See how MentorKey can help with a demo today.


With a half-hour demonstration, we can highlight what MentorKey can do to help you take personalised connections in mentoring, and build key talent into a truly strategic resource for the company.


How does MentorKey ensure that new graduates are matched with the right mentors?

MentorKey uses a personalised matching system that takes into account the unique needs, aspirations, and career goals of new graduates. By aligning these factors with the experience and expertise of potential mentors, we ensure that each graduate is paired with a mentor who can provide meaningful guidance and support from day one.

What makes MentorKey’s mentoring programs different from other professional development tools?

MentorKey’s programs are designed to bridge the generational gap by focusing on the specific expectations of younger talent, such as Gen Z. Our platform facilitates structured, ongoing development with professional development plans, progress tracking, and tailored interactions that help new graduates thrive in their roles and contribute to the organisation’s long-term success.

How can MentorKey help our organisation retain top talent among new graduates?

By providing graduates with the support, coaching, and feedback they crave, MentorKey helps foster a strong sense of loyalty towards your organisation. Our mentoring programs not only build confidence and essential skills but also set the foundation for long-term career fulfilment, which is key to retaining top talent.

What benefits do mentors gain from participating in MentorKey’s programs?

Mentors also benefit from the MentorKey experience by gaining insights into the perspectives and expectations of the younger generation. These interactions can lead to personal and professional growth for mentors, enhancing their leadership skills and enriching their understanding of emerging talent within the organisation.